DG ECFIN is organising a one-day workshop on 30 November 2011 in Brussels. The workshop will look at the role of institutions for supporting sound fiscal policies during and after times of economic crisis. It will adopt a broad notion of institutions, comprising institutional characteristics of fiscal governance that structure the budgetary process in its planning, approval, and implementation stage, but also institutions in other policy areas if relevant for budgetary policies. The workshop will be arranged in three sessions around the following questions: (1) how can institutions provide relative stability during the crisis? (2) How are policy institutions shaped by conditions of public finance in times of crisis? (3) Which institutions facilitate stabilisation and/or adjustment policies and the trade-off between them? Candidates are invited to submit extended abstracts (up to 1,500 words) of research proposals related to the above mentioned topics until 22 June. Details on the call for contributions and the submission provisions can be found at http://ec.europa.eu/economy_finance/procurement_grants/academic_contributions/calls4papers/ecfin-c-2011-012-workshop_en.htm.
Submissions should be sent to the email ECFIN-PUBLIC-FINANCES-2011@ec.europa.eu, clearly mentioning the topic of the paper in the subject line of the email. The above mailbox is reserved solely for submissions. Submissions sent to other mailboxes or to Commission staff cannot be accepted.
Deadline for submission: 22 June 2011 (23:59 CET)